4th & Main Street
Chico, California

This is a rally to let your local, state, and federal officials know your concern about tax and fiscal matters in this country.

Admission is FREE We will be accepting NON-PERISABLE food that will be given to the local food bank. We are concerned for those in need.

Bring your own creative and tasteful sign.

For too long we have let other issues divide us. Now is the time to indicate we are a united people when our future is at risk.

Added by futurefun on March 28, 2009



Yahoo. It's about time. No more big government.


I am thrilled to see a Tea Party in Chico. However, since most of the tax payers are working during that time I am dissapointed to see that it is not after 5:00 like many cities are having it. Are there more people who would be willing and able to attend if it were after working hours?


Hmm, I am thinking these teabagger events are going to be interesting this week. I hope those getting teabagged shave for the teabaggers... it is only polite.... "Bring your own creative and tasteful sign." funny, i can only imagine how creative some might get, as far as "tasteful" well that all depends on the love... you people.... jeeze, well when you drive on the public road, to the public park, and rely on the public police, be sure to stand proud as an "individual" with a mouthful of who knows what http://crooksandliars.com/jon-perr/tea-baggers-strange_brew


The tax rates now are lower than when Reagan was president. Funny how the righties didn't go crazy then. And the current rates were set by GW--why demonstrate now after eight years? Could it be this is more than a "grassroots" event? Could it be partisan? Heaven forbid!


Funny how the RNC chairman is not welcome to these teabagger parties, funny this is focused on disinformation of Obama's policies.

Could this be another manifestation of scared white people?