4119 Cromwell Rd
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421

Experience a "turn" with the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum as we take you to historic Chickamauga, Ga. This trip will last approximately 6-1/4 hours (10:00am - 4:15pm*) and includes a 1-3/4 hour stop (layover in railroad lingo) in Chickamauga from roughly 11:55* until 1:45*, and a shorter layover at Wilder Tower in Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park during the return trip to Chattanooga. Layover time allows passengers to stroll through the quaint one stoplight downtown area, visit the Chickamauga Depot which houses a regional history museum and large model train display, or walk a block or two to view the Gordon-Lee Mansion (history link)and Crawfish Springs city park. Downtown Chickamauga has several antique and variety shops as well as a few small restaurants and coffee shops. Watch out for the Civil War cannons that stand guard over the main intersection in town! A uniformed Civil War reenactor rides the train to point out areas of interest and relay interesting historical information. Please note that this trip is primarily about the train ride experience and the historic nature of the route and destination. The scenery along the route is secondary as portions of the line traverse a diverse variety of views into Americana. The train travels through pre-Civil War Missionary Ridge Tunnel and later passes Chickamauga Battlefield enroute to the Town of Chickamauga. Phone: 423-894-8028. Online ticket purchase available at the website.

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