Next week Thursday, November 17th. Mark it on your calendar IN PEN. Chicagoist is having a happy hour and we're buying you drinks.
Come by Monk's Pub (205 W. Lake) at 5:30 or whenever you get off work. Like last time, we're going to have money on a tab and free drinks will be available first come, first served, til the money runs out. "Why the peanuts on the graphic," you ask? If you've been to Monk's you know, if you haven't you'll find out. There are free peanuts at every table and the shells get everywhere. So, in addition to free drinks, free peanuts! Need another reason? We've got some free tshirts to give away! And another reason? One of us here is getting married that weekend and we'd like to get him/her as drunk as possible before the big day. Guess which one it is!
See you there!
Added by spudart on November 11, 2005