130 South Roselle Road
Schaumburg, Illinois 60193

Looking Younger in Healthy Ways
Dr. Jaena Gonzaga
Description: Youthfulness is no longer meant for the few but for all that desire continued health and radiance. Dr. Jaena Stanley-Gonzaga will share 6 important secrets to looking younger in healthy ways. These simple yet profound practices will continue to help create an expression of health and vitality not only on the surface but at the most cellular and energetic level. Antiaging is more than just getting the wrinkles out on the outside. Antiaging is all about transforming the wrinkles on the inside.
Schaumburg Library
Roselle Road, Schaumburg

Official Website: http://www.chicagohealers.com/media/2009-educational-charity-events/

Added by ChicagoHealers on February 5, 2009

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