480 Hammond Street
Newton, Massachusetts 02467

Suburban touring at its best!

Chestnut Hill is a classic streetcar suburb which developed as the railroad and streetcar network expanded around Boston. By the early twentieth century, Chestnut Hill was considered to be suburban living at its best .

This walking tour explores the Newton portion of the Chestnut Hill neighborhood where you will walk among large Victorian mansions while learning its evolution from rural farmland once owned by the Hammonds, Lees, and Lawrences to a modern suburb. Chestnut Hill also features the campus of Boston College and the historic Chestnut Hill Reservoir with a finish at the new Metropolitan WaterWorks Museum where you can see the 1894 550 HP Leavitt Engine (No. 3) in the High Service Pumping Station.

Come along and discover this hidden enclave of Victorian estates on this walk up and down Chestnut Hill.

Boston By Foot is a nonprofit organization to promote the architecture and history of Boston. Guided walking tours are offered regularly May-October and private tours may be requested throughout the year. See the Boston By Foot web site to see the wide spectrum of offerings or for information about becoming a member.

Official Website: http://www.bostonbyfoot.org/tours/Chestnut_Hill

Added by blaxton on May 10, 2011

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