51 N 12th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

“Great Philly Cheesesteak Book” author Carolyn Wyman will lead a special Father’s Day weekend edition of her Taste of Philadelphia Market Tour focusing on local dads’ favorite food – the cheesesteak! -- at 10 a.m. Sat., June 19. Tour will cover the history and culture of Reading Terminal Market and of the cheesesteak, including bites of several cheesesteaks and/or cheesesteak variations sold in the Market. Tour costs $15.95 and reservations (required) can be made at www.tasteofphillyfoodtour.com or by calling 215-545-8007. Carolyn will also be autographing copies of her cheesesteak book for your favorite dad at The Cookbook Stall that day from noon to 2 p.m. Call The Cookbook Stall at 215-923-3170 or visit www.thecookbookstall.com to reserve a copy of the book in advance (recommended).

Official Website: http://www.tasteofphillyfoodtour.com

Added by carwyman on May 23, 2010

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