Chattanooga, Tennessee

21 and over

All tickets include...delicious tapas style dining from your favorite restaurants, a selection of red and white wines, Sweetwater beer, a signature cocktail sponsored by SweetTea vodka, $5000 in gaming chips, a silent auction full of romantic Valentine's gifts, family vacations and much more! The live auction will feature prizes that you can use your winnings to buy at the end of the evening. Great fun, music, food, drinks, gaming and your best friends...what could be better??

This event will benefit Clifton Hills Elementary School in a real grass roots effort to change their lives through outside education.

With your help, the students of Clifton Hills will be given the opportunity to visit local education centers and attractions. We believe seeing different cultures, meeting new people and gaining knowledge from outside activities such as riverboat tours, aquarium visits, museum tours, sports events and trips to local parks are critical experiences for a child's growth. All proceeds will go to these wonderful and deserving children.

Official Website:

Added by LadiesInAiding on January 20, 2009