15 Magdalene St
Cambridge, England

Join other technologists, entrepreneurs, business angels, CxOs and people involved in young and growing technology businesses, for a social get-together over delicious Italian food. Expect some lively discussion about technology trends and the problems of starting and running a business.

Venue: La Margherita. They serve delicious ice-cream and very good tiramisu! 15 Magdalene St, Cambridge. 7.30pm. We shall try to keep a few free places for those we are able to make it at the last minute, but where you are able, please contact us to ensure we include you in our restaurant booking. Call Jeff Veit on 01223 721499.

This page doesn't accurately reflect the number of people that have already booked places.

Official Website: http://www.chase.org.uk

Added by jeff.veit on November 19, 2007



There's no fee to come to CHASE events but you buy your own dinner.

Interested 1