401 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, California 94102

Kung Pao Kosher Comedy Presents...
The Return of Charo and Her Las Vegas Show!

Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 8pm

Herbst Theatre
401 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco

Charo returns to San Francisco after her 2005 sold out Herbst show (and Charo look-alike contest). She will take to the stage with a back up band and Las Vegas dancers AND also play solo flamenco kick ass guitar. She's cuchi cuchi and much, much more!

**Look for Charo as a Celebrity Grand Marshal of The San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade that Sunday morning (accompanied by hordes of Charo look-alikes on a pink float)!



Official Website: http://www.koshercomedy.com

Added by lisag on April 2, 2008

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