528 NE E Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

August 17th, 18th & 19th ~ Fri. Sat. Sun. ~
Geof Jowett
Channeling Your Higher Self To Enhance Your Intuitive Abilities
Aquarius Books & Gifts, Grants Pass, Oregon
Friday, August 17 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Sat., August 18 9:30AM – 5:00PM
Sun., August 19 9:30AM –1:30PM
The main purpose of this workshop is to improve your own unique abilities of communicating with your loved ones and Guides in Spirit and to establish an effective messaging system. Learn how to understand the dynamics of your total body as an energy system and how it interacts and senses the subtle energies of Spirit. Develop your psychic seeing, hearing, feeling and intuitive abilities with group and individual exercises, journaling and guided meditations to enhance your connection with Spirit. This interactive and engaging workshop allows you to establish a spiritual profile for loved ones and Spirit Guides so that you can expand and enhance your communication and receive the healing, inspiring and loving messages of Spirit.
Channeling is the reception and sharing of any type of creative energy to express your higher self. Perhaps you channel to write, sing, garden, cook, teach, coach or to be a parent. This workshop will help you to better understand how you can channel
your higher self to be an instrument for God Consciousness.
The highest form of channeling is intuition, a natural form of inner knowing. To accept the awareness that you are one with all of creation will be effective intuitively helping you to channel guidance and inspiration. Interactive exercises will help you to develop your intuitive abilities so that you can enhance your psychic abilities.
The various levels of mind consciousness (consciousness, sub-consciousness and super consciousness) will be reviewed relative to their application to intuition and channeling. Also the role your dreams play in channeling will be presented and how you can best obtain information from your dreams.
Imagine being so connected to your higher self that you can choose the career path, relationships and activities that best complement your gifts and that would best serve the world.
Workshop Schedule and Learning Outcomes:
Gallery mediumship reading demonstration
Learn basic about channeling
Understand the various levels of consciousness
Review beliefs systems and miracles
Learn the total energy body system and the human aura
Understand how to balance and heal through the chakra system
Apply the human body energy system to Spirit communication
Study the types of intuition (clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience) and apply exercises to develop each type of intuition
Develop a profile for communicating with a loved one in Spirit
Review the principles of Spirit communication
Develop a profile for communicating with your Spirit guide
Understand blocks to Spirit communication
Use of the tools of meditation, dreams and inspiration writing for channeling and Spirit communication
Workshop Costs
$275 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday
$225 if you register before July 21, 2012
$30 Friday night gallery reading
If you register before July 21, 2012 you may receive an in-person reading at $100 (a $50 savings).
Spiritual Readings
Medium Geof will be available in Grants Pass, Oregon
for sixty minute in-person reading on Wednesday, August 15 – Friday, August 17 ( $100 is you are attending the workshop; $150 if you are not attending the workshop). Please contact Geof at 562-355-0525 to schedule a reading. Limited appointments.
Medium, Educator and Author Geof Jowett
Geof Jowett is an intuitive medium, educator and published author. It is his passion to promote the expansion of our consciousness, the continuity of life, the laws of nature, intuition and mediumship so that we may heal and discover a greater sense of contentment, joy and peace and perpetuate love.
Since his childhood, Geof has been in communication with incarnate†spirits. Professionally he has provided spiritual readings to thousands of people throughout the world.
As a medium and intuitive, Geof has provided thousands of people with the opportunity of communicating with their departed loved ones and Spirit Guides. He provides detailed, accurate, clear evidential information and inspirational messages from your Spirit Guides. It can be a very healing and enlightening experience to have a spiritual reading so that you might get a better prospective about your life, your soul’s purpose, journey and development and to maintain your connection to those that have crossed over to the world of spirit.
Geof has been blessed with many incredible and awakening experiences that include the opportunities of being a molecular biology researcher, biotechnology project manager and marketing researcher, cell biology and anatomy and physiology college instructor, college dean of students, student, teacher and practitioner of mediumship and alternative healing, explorer of the laws of nature through reading, writing, meditation, traveling, lectures and pure living! Geof graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors and Masters in the Natural Sciences. He has over fifteen years experience as a college administrator and biology instruction and ten years experience as an educator in the biotechnology industry. His passion is teaching and helping others to achieve a higher consciousness and healing.
As an educator, Geof provides active learning experiences so that you can expand your consciousness, apply and develop your intuitive abilities, connect with your spirit guides and realize and understand the unlimited power you possess. Geof’s workshops are designed to engage you in individual and group exercises, meditations and discussions on, exploring and developing your intuitive abilities and to help heal. Workshop sizes are limited to less than thirty so that each participant can receive specific and individual attention needed to expand, grow and develop their abilities.
For the last ten years Geof†has provided spiritual development classes on topics such as intuition, spirit communication, meditation, channeling, reincarnation and soul development. In the last three years Geof has traveled to 15 states and 2 Canadian providences, educating hundreds of beginners on the path of spiritual development.
To find out more about the services, workshops and resources that Medium Geof, provides, please visit his website at www.geofjowett.com. Inspiring miracles through the consciousness of peace.

Added by aquariusbooksandgifts on July 30, 2012