103 Saint Robert Plaza
St Robert, Missouri 65584

Are you always the one who shouts out the answers during Jeopardy? Is your favorite board game Trivial Pursuit? Do your friends compare you to Cliff Clavin? So why not get the official bragging rights of being a trivia know-it-all at the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce Trivia Night!

Saturday October 24th at the Hampton Inn beginning at 6 p.m. the Chamber will be asking you to put on your thinking caps and challenge your friends and neighbors to the ultimate game of trivia. Tables of up to 10 players are available for $100 and must be paid for in advance of the event. Refreshments will be on hand at a concession stand. Winner walks away with bragging rights, a free table next year and the Know-It-All Traveling Trivia Trophy.

Sponsorship opportunities are also available at $100 and with that your business will be featured in all press releases, signage at event, Chamber Trivia Night webpage and your logo will be listed on answer forms used during the night. If you would like to have a table or you'd like more information about this event please contact the Chamber at 573-336-5121.

Official Website: http://www.waynesvillestrobertchamber.com

Added by mlspark on August 5, 2009

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