4158 Albany Post Rd
Hyde Park, New York 12538

Chakra and Yoga Balancing Workshop
Saturday August 27th
In this Chakra Yoga Balancing Workshop we go into the meaning behind each chakra and build a gentle yoga sequence that compliments each chakra. Along with each chakra balancing there is a yoga posture (asana), meditation, aromatherapy (Young Living Essential Oils), affirmations, mantras, and breathing techniques that helps you connect even deeper. At the end of the workshop, there is a deep relaxation (yoga nidra).
There is an information packet and small sample of a Young Living Oil included in the workshop.
Please RSVP spaces are limited.
To reserve your space please call InnerLight Spa: 845-229-9998

Official Website: http://www.yogawithkeriann.com/

Added by kalishivarocks on April 18, 2010

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