1333 W. University Ave.
georgetown, Texas 78628

Do you love playing entertaining board games? Come out to play some new games and old favorites. Learn where other enthusiasts congregate online and face-to-face in the greater Austin area. These aren’t your “momma’s” games (though you’ll find some she’ll love). Play the new style of easy-to-understand, full-participation, fun-to-play games that go beyond what you played as a child. Curious? Come out and learn about easy family games and more challenging strategic games. There’s a reason board games have been around in society for over 5000 years; They’re fun! You may even find some gamers in your own neighborhood. Do you want to host a game day but you are afraid nobody will come? Speak up. We all love games. Ever hear of wonderful games like Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Power Grid, Puerto Rico, Tichu, or Tigris and Euphrates? Or are you an Outburst, Scattergories, Cranium, type of fan? Either way, let’s play! It’s worth the drive!

Official Website: http://boardgames.meetup.com/360/

Added by Daygamer on October 28, 2006

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