305 Allegheny Street
Tarentum, Pennsylvania 15084

Central Presbyterian Church will observe the Third Sunday of Easter on April 6, 2008.

Fellowship time before the Sunday school begins at 9:30 in the social hall. At 9:45 the Sunday School has "Together Time" before the participants go to their separate classes.

On Sundays our morning worship begins at 10:35 AM with Revival and Praise singing.

Our traditional worship service begins at 10:50 AM.

The Scripture lessons will be: Acts 2:14a, 36-41, Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19, and Luke 24:13-35.

Pastor Pollock will preach on "Opened Eyes, Opened Scriptures".

The congregation will sing the following hymns: Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise, "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus", and "Jesus Lives and So Shall I".

The Westminster Choir will sing the anthem "I Serve A Risen Savior".

This will be a service of Holy Communion. Because the Eucharist is the Lord's Table, Central Presbyterian Church welcomes all baptized Christians to participate, regardless of age or denominational affiliation.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of park_bench.

Added by park_bench on April 1, 2008

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