4600 Sleepytime Dr
Boulder, Colorado 80301

This tour features an introductory video, where visitors hear the Celestial story from its roots to full bloom. Walk through the art gallery and view original paintings from tea boxes, created by some of the country's most famous illustrators. See an eclectic collection of very Celestial teapots and teacups. Entertain your taste buds with a tea sampling. Taste a new flavor or savor your favorite. There are over 80 varieties to choose from. Stroll through the Celestial Herb Garden, and see herbs and botanicals growing in a beautiful garden setting. Venture into the "rocking and rolling" factory, where 8 million tea bags are produced daily. Experience The Mint Room, and encounter the mind-clearing power of peppermint and spearmint. Tours begin every hour on the hour.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 1, 2010