Campus Drive
College Park, Maryland 20742

On May 23, 2010, from 3 – 6 p.m., The University of Maryland Libraries will celebrate the accomplishments of author, director, screenwriter, and Professor Norman Corwin, whose 100th birthday was May 3rd. The celebration, collectively titled “Not So Wild A Dream,” will include an exhibit to honor Mr. Corwin. Guests will include Dr. Michael Keith of Boston College and Dr. Mary Ann Watson of Eastern Michigan University, who will be signing copies of the book Norman Corwin’s One World Flight: The Lost Journal of Radio’s Greatest Writer. Keith and Watson edited this new work, but the text is taken from Corwin’s notes of his 1946 round-the-world flight as the first winner of the Wendell Wilkie One World Award. Next will be a production of Corwin’s verse drama for radio, "They Fly Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease," originally produced on February 19, 1939.

Official Website:

Added by lwheeler8 on May 11, 2010

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