55 W. 13th Street, 2nd Floor
New York City, New York

Admission Free; no reserved seating
Cave Canem celebrates National Poetry Month with featured readers Cheryl Clarke, author of several books of poems, including Experimental Love, nominated for a 1994 Lambda Literary Award; Jacqueline Johnson, author of A Gathering of Mother Tongues, recipient of the 1997 White Pine Press Award for Poetry; Karma Mayet Johnson, whose poetry has appeared in Renaissance Noir, A Gathering of the Tribes, Nocturnes and Exit the Apple; Willie Perdomo, author of Where a Nickel Costs a Dime and Smoking Lovely, recipient of a PEN America Beyond Margins Award; and Jeffrey Renard Allen, author of Holding Pattern and the acclaimed novel, Rails Under My Back. Book signing to follow. Sponsored by Cave Canem and The New School Writing Program.

Official Website: http://www.newschool.edu/events

Added by The New School on April 17, 2009

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