1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd St
New York, New York 10028

Drinks and Tomás Saraceno’s Cloud City on The Metropolitan Museum roof top bar.

We will meet at 6pm close to the Northwest-end wall of the roof top (upon exiting the elevator and walking through the roof top entrance make a right passing the drinks stand). Our group will have name tags. Ask for Joe or Toan.

The suggested admission price of the museum is $25. However, you are not obligated to pay that price, and admission is really a free will donation (pay as much as you like to enter the museum). For directions to the museum's roof top, please inquire with museum staff upon arrival who will guide you.

Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue near E82nd Street
New York, NY 10021

The rooftop closes at 8:45 pm, afterwards we shall reconvene at Gael Pub located at 1465 3rd Ave between 82nd and 83rd St. in Manhattan to continue the night away with more socializing and fun.

Info on Tomás Saraceno on the Roof: Cloud City

Subway directions to the museum: take the 4, 5, or 6 to 86th Street/Lexington Avenue station.

Feel free to invite friends.

Official Website: http://www.cfnetwork.org

Added by The Catholic Fellowship on August 26, 2012