400 Corporate Dr
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334

What does it take to manage a multi-channel catalog and thrive in this economy? Come join us on April 16 as our frank 5 person panel of experts teaches you from the inside out. Each expert has been hand chosen due to their expertise in specific area's of catalog management. After each panelist makes their presentation, you will be able to get hands on and ask questions. Topics include:

• Knowing your customers! - Metrics, business intelligence, LTV, and repeat behavior.
• Printing - Optimizing size, page configuration, postal discounts, co-mailing.
• Creative- designing catalogs to sell. A case study in redesign.
• Operations - Insource, outsource, case studies call call center and fulfillment.
• Lists - a broker's inside info that will help you challenge and get more from your broker.


Fatemeh Khatibloo, VP of Strategic Services Binger Catalog Marketing, Inc.
Kathy Duggan-Josephs, VP, Multichannel Marketing, RMI Direct Tim Holody, COO, Seta Corporation (Palm Beach Jewelry Catalog) Scott M. Kaczmarek, Sales Manager, Quad/Graphics, Inc.
Fred Neil, President, Spectrum Management Associates, Inc.

Moderator: Jim Gilbert, President, Gilbert Direct Marketing, Inc.

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 pm Registration Check-in and Networking
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Program and Lunch
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Expanded Bonus Speaker Tracks

Register early to avoid additional $10 walk-up fee.

Interested in attending our Board meeting at 10:00am and learning more about getting further involved with the FDMA, please let us know at 786-357-3275.

Added by fdmaevents on April 8, 2009

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