182 William Street
Perth, Western Australia 6000

Black Swan State Theatre Company and Queensland Theatre Company present

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
By Tennessee Williams

10 – 25 September 2011

The Pollitt family has gathered at their plantation home in the Mississippi Delta, ostensibly to celebrate the birthday of patriarch and tycoon “Big Daddy”.

However, cracks are appearing in the family’s veneer: no one has told Big Daddy that he is dying of cancer, but the scheming over his inheritance has already begun. His son Brick, the former golden child, is battling with repressed emotions and his desperate wife Maggie, and has taken to the bottle.

In the course of an evening full of scheming and deceit, secrets and lies leave every single one of the family members reeling. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is one of the best-known and most-loved plays by Tennessee Williams, winning a Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1955.

“… perhaps his most impassioned and articulate statement on human isolation, the wrenching problems of communication between people and the ways in which death defines life.” The New York Times

Venue: Heath Ledger Theatre, State Theatre Centre of WA
Duration: Approx. 2 hours 45 min [incl. interval]
Featuring: Caitlin Beresford-Ord, Carol Burns, Cheree Cassidy, Damon Lockwood, Daniel Murphy, Tom O’Sullivan, Hugh Parker, John Stanton.
Director: Kate Cherry

Warning: Occasional coarse language.

Bookings: BOCS Ticketing, ph (08) 9484 1133, Groups 8+ ph (08) 9321 6831.

Official Website: http://www.bsstc.com.au/the-main-house-playlist/cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof-by-tennesse-williams/

Added by shonasaxton on July 13, 2011

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