399 Broad Ave
Leonia, New Jersey 07605

April 13, 2010 -- Sgt. Clendenon Newell American Legion Post #1 in Leonia New Jersey eagerly announces their 3rd Casino Night! The event on April 23, 2010 will begin with registration and open bar at 7pm and the games will start at 8pm.

For over 90 years, Post 1 has provided a place for Veterans of all US Armed Services to gather. The members have always placed a high value on community service. Every year, the Post provides scholarships for local students, funds Veterans' charities and holds events for the community.

The Casino Nights are a way for the Legionnaires to open their Hall to the community for a night of fun and prizes and to raise funds for Veterans and Troops. February's casino night saw the poker champion walk away with close to $500 in cash! Depending

on registrations, the Legion would like to double that prize this time around! Black Jack winners will go home with great prizes like local gift certificates and Wine gift baskets!

$50 registration fee buys 1000 in chips and free food and open bar all night!

Register on line at www.alpost1.org and walk in with an EXTRA 500 IN CHIPS!

To sign up or for more information check out www.alpost1.org or call Jr. Vice Commander Tony Kowidge at (718) 755-2990.

Added by nikkay.rm on April 13, 2010

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