We are carpooling to Salem to attend the Hearing of House Bill 2461 (Beer Tax)
The Oregon brewing industry is facing a nearly $50 per barrel increase on beer taxes – an increase of over 1900% – which would make the Oregon beer excise tax the highest in the country. If House Bill 2461 passes, it could result in the loss of up to 3,400 Oregon jobs and devastate an industry that currently supports 5,200 direct and 10,000 indirect employees. HELP fight this proposed tax increase.
We are carpooling from the Green Dragon and leaving at 6:30am and should be back by around 11:00am. Rogue is providing 1-2 vans for carpooling.
Hearing time:
8:00am - 9:00am
Oregon State Capitol (Hearing Room A)
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR
Join the Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/2TcRfB
Sign the Online Petition: http://bit.ly/8rB0Y
Follow Us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/NoNewORBeerTax
Contact your legislator: http://bit.ly/Y3WHY
Official Website: http://bit.ly/wTag7
Added by kfinsand on February 22, 2009