1603 Broadway
Oakland, California 94612

Call for Art - Youth Sculpture at the Cathedral Gallery
Flamboastin' - Bay Area Youth Flaunting their Sculptural Explorations
The Crucible’s Cathedral Gallery, located in Downtown Oakland, is producing its first Bay Area Youth Sculpture Show and we would like to personally invite the students and blossoming young artists from your organization to submit their work. The show is open to artists between the ages of 8 and 17 from around the Bay Area. This is a wonderful opportunity for young artists to exhibit their artwork in a supportive community venue.

The Crucible is a non-profit educational facility that fosters a collaboration of Arts, Industry and Community. Through training in the fine and industrial arts, The Crucible promotes creative expression, reuse of materials and innovative design while serving as an accessible arts venue for the general public.
To be considered for the show, the work must have a 3D sculptural element - such as jewelry, woodworking, metalwork, ceramics, kinetic art, etc. - as we are showcasing work that highlights studio facilities and workshops taught at The Crucible. A diverse jury made up of art educators, gallery volunteers, and Crucible staff will review and select work to be featured in the show. Please see the attached Call for Entries and Submission Form for specific instructions about how to submit work. These forms can also be downloaded online at http://www.thecrucible.org/gallery/384. The deadline for submissions is July 30th.
Please invite the young artists in your organization to participate in this exciting opportunity! We thank you for your commitment to fostering youth arts in the Bay Area and we look forward to seeing all the wonderful artwork!

Thank you!
The Crucible’s Cathedral Gallery Staff

Added by ksuze on July 8, 2010

Interested 1