Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Overview : The webinar will cover a host of issues under the FLSA - what time is "working time" and, therefore, must be used in an overtime calculation; legal methods of calculating the hourly rate (it is not as easy as you think); various legal methods of paying overtime that can save your company money; and recordkeeping requirements. We will also discuss how to "fix" your errors when you discover they have been made. Finally, we will discuss what you can expect if you have the misfortune of being named in a collective or class action lawsuit.

Why should you attend: Although the Fair Labor Standards Act has been around a long time, it is one of the most frequently violated employment law - particularly in how to calculate overtime correctly. Employers fail to recognize what hours must be compensated and how the working hours should be compensated. Improper calculations can lead to employees being underpaid or even being paid too much! Plaintiffs' lawyers have put up billboards and other advertising to sue employers for the individual but, most often, in a collective and/or class action. The Department of Labor is as active in auditing than it has ever been.

Areas Covered in the Session:
What the FLSA requires with regard to minimum wage and overtime.
What time must be compensated? Waiting time? On-Call Time? Rest and Meal Periods? Sleep time? Travel time? Donning and doffing? Lectures? Medical examinations?
Joint employment issues
What is the workweek in determining whether an employee works over 40 hours in a week
General principles of calculating cash overtime.
Computation of the "regular rate of pay"
What payments can be excluded from the "regular rate of pay"
Improper pay plans such as artificial regular rates; "split day" plan and pseudo bonuses.
Plans that can reduce your overtime liability - salary coefficient, time off plans, BELO contracts
When/who can use compensatory time.
Latest cases concerning mortgage loan officers, working supervisors
Why payment of a salary alone is not determinative of an exemption.
Comparing a salary payment required of an exemption with a salary coefficient payment.
Permissible deductions from an exempt employee's salary.
What to do when you made impermissible deductions.
Other exemptions that do not require payment of a salary - computer professionals, doctors, lawyers
Thinking about keeping time records for even exempt employees.
When the Motor Carrier Act applies.
What impact do bonuses or compensatory time have on an individual's exemption?
Recordkeeping requirements

Who Will Benefit:
Human Resource Managers
Human Resource Supervisors
Payroll Personnel
Company Owners

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on February 11, 2013

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