3565 Fruitvale Ave.
Oakland, California

March Membership Meeting

Topic: Beekeeping by Judy Casales
Judy is a long time member of our chapter who got her start in
beekeeping about seven years ago when someone spoke to our
chapter about the topic. Yes, perhaps we are repeating
ourselves on topics, but it has been seven years and it is an
important topic. Most crops depend on bee pollination. Find
out about the importance of bees to your fruit crops, some of
the problems affecting bees now, and how you might benefit
from having a hive in your yard. Who knows, maybe you will
become a beekeeper too.
Don't forget to bring if you have them: fruiting plants for
the plant raffle. Bring edible plants only, please. Absolutely
no poisonous plants, even to give away!! We are an edible plant group and we do not want anyone getting confused.

Official Website: http://www.crfg.org/local/chapters/ca_gold.html

Added by spidra on March 9, 2007

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