201 W. 7th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23224

For new and growing entrepreneurial businesses, trademarks can be unique and valuable assets or unexpected and expensive headaches (and sometimes both!). This presentation will help navigate the often perilous path of choosing the right brand while avoiding infringement by providing an overview of key basics for the selection, acquisition, use, protection and enforcement of trademarks that every entrepreneur should know.

Robert P. Henley is a Principal in the business group of Hirschler Fleischer, P.C. Mr. Henley has experience counseling clients on a variety of intellectual property, licensing, franchising and general corporate and securities matters.

Free Event! Pizza and Beverage provided by: YLD Lawyers for the Arts Committee of the Virginia Bar Association and Thinking of You Creations.

2013 C3 ED Sponsor: Infinity Financial Partners

C3 ED: Left Brain Advice for Right Brain Professionals is presented in collaboration with YLD Lawyers for the Arts Committee of the Virginia Bar Association.

Added by C3RVA on March 29, 2013

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