MSC03 2200, 1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

What happens when legend confronts reality on the American frontier? Find out when Paul Andrew Hutton presents “KIT CARSON’S RIDE” at the 2007 C. Ruth and Calvin P. Horn Lecture in Western History and Culture. The lecture—followed by a book signing and reception—takes place Thursday, April 19, at 5:30PM, in Ballroom B of the Student Union Building at the University of New Mexico. This event is sponsored by the Center for the Southwest, the Department of History, and UNM Press. The evening is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 277-7688.

Paul Hutton is Distinguished Professor of History at the University of New Mexico. Hutton’s Phil Sheridan and His Army (1985) received the Billington Prize from the Organization of American Historians, the Evans Biography Award, and the Spur Award from the Western Writers of America. The C. Ruth and Calvin P. Horn Endowment Fund supports the C. Ruth and Calvin P. Horn Lectures in Western History and Culture, a distinguished lecture series now in its twenty-second year. The vision for the series was to provide the entire community access to inspiring speakers who brought Western history to life.

Added by cntrsw on March 13, 2007

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