Bandung, West Java

Empower yourself. Treat projects like profit-driven, entrepreneurial businesses.

This intermediate level course goes beyond the basics of project management to deliver higher levels of management performance for you, your project sponsors, your boss and your organization. Use business practices that drive projects like thriving businesses, to superior bottom-line results. Connect with executives by speaking their language. Think, decide and act like a CEO – and develop your own credibility and success.

* Effectively engage upper management by associating projects to business goals, values and performance factors
* Be recognized for creating corporate shareholder value
* Generate consistent and positive, bottom-line results
* Elevate your career with business-enabling skills
* Credibly communicate with business executives
* Realize practical solutions to real-work projects


* How to address company growth, shareholder value, market share, profitability, cost-containment and other primary business drivers
* To align your project to financial, marketing and strategic goals
* To support other corporate strategies and enable strategic competitive advantages
* How to connect your project to high impact interests of your corporate customers
* Leveraging the key elements of accounting, finance and economics
* Marketing and promotion of your project in relation to other corporate projects
* To combine logic and creativity towards innovative corporate results
* The value of advancing the corporate benefits of organizational change
* Management of corporate resources as if you are the CEO


Project managers, managers and professionals who understand the basics of project management.

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 31, 2009

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