1845 Fairmount St
Wichita, Kansas 67260

Today we have access to more information than ever before, but how do you use the information you have to make the best decision? This course teaches you how to put information and data to work when making business decisions.

At work, you have access to more information than you know what to do with. You probably realize the information is valuable, but have no idea how to take advantage of it to make more profitable decisions. Learn to put to use information using common business applications to model the outcomes of different decisions and make better choices.

Dr. Abdinnour-Helm will detail the different methods of business modeling and demonstrate practical examples from numerous functional areas of business.

You cannot afford to miss this class if you're in production, marketing, finance, business analysis, management, accounting, engineering and R & D. You'll learn the basics of using information you already have to make business decisions that lead to success. All you need is a very basic understanding of Microsoft Excel to participate in this course.

You'll learn the practical steps to analyzing business data, which will help you optimize current operations and determine the outcomes of your decisions. Why continue making decisions in the dark, this course will give you the tools to make better decisions, use more information and have better support for the decisions you make.

You don’t need to worry about bringing any supplies. Each participant will be supplied with the use of a personal computer during the program to maximize hands-on application of the tools you’ll gain.

Official Website: http://cmd.wichita.edu

Added by Center for Management Developmen on November 20, 2008