830 Bancroft Way, Suite 104
Berkeley, California 94710

"He [Burzynski] has made in my opinion, the most important, if not the only
breakthrough discovery in the treatment of cancer"
-Dr Julian Whitaker of the Whitaker Wellness Institute
(Americas largest Alternative Medicine Institute)

This is an impactful movie with a critically important story to tell. Who does not know someone who has suffered and died from cancer? Burzynski is a modern day medical doctor and PhD biochemist who has discovered the biggest breakthrough in medical history for this terrible disease. He found it over 30 years ago. So, why have we not heard about him? Because America's FDA, National Cancer Institute and Big Pharma have tried to shut him up, close him down and put him in jail -while accusing him of criminal wrongdoing and publicly smearing his treatments. All the while, these same entities recruited one of Burzynski's own scientists to obtain patents for themselves on the exact same treatments they claimed to be 'ineffective'. But, Dr. Burzynski prevailed in the end. . .

This movie presents two interwoven stories; One, is the revolutionary cancer treatment that he discovered; and the other is the uncaring, aggressive and criminal actions of the FDA, NCI and Big Pharma. It is a riveting tale and one that continues on to this day. The movie offers the knowledge and information that people everywhere need to know, both for their own sake and the sake of those they care for.

The film seeks to change the lives of many for the better. It not only exposes the audience to a little known ground-breaking advancement in cancer treatment, but it shines a light into a part of our Medical Industry-that has, too long, been left in the dark.

Patients and cancer survivors from the film will be in attendance and participate in Q&A after the screening.

Official Website: https://sites.google.com/site/dharmatickets/

Added by burzynskimoviebayarea on October 28, 2010