Burning Man presents...
Burnal Equinox
A Special Flambé Lounge & Black Rock Arts Foundation Benefit
We're HALF way there!
Don’t miss celebrating the mid-point in our Burning Year!
Saturday March 3rd 7pm - 4am
Mighty - 119 Utah St (at 15th), SF
$15 donation in playa attire, $25 in streetwear; 21 yrs+
Give generously and become a BRAF member tonite!
Doors open 7pm. Arrive early for happy hour drink specials, art reception, Burning Man schwagabelia (get it while it lasts!), prize drawings and superfantastic treats--for early birds only! Also get the inside scoop on the SoMa Park STAN Project! And stay late because the fun goes till 4am STRONG!
Featuring: outlandish art and art cars, amazing live performers, DJs and DJ collectives--including Cuatro Caminos, Dr. Abacus, DJ Sparkinzi, Laird, Majitope, Mark Growden, Smoove, Loyd Family Players, The Zoopy Show, Samira, Pink Mammoth, Deep End, Billion Bunnies and more, more, more!
At this mid-point between burns, we stand equidistant from our City’s past and its future. A magical playa vibe takes control and for one night in the long winter -- Welcome Home! This Flambé, we dance to celebrate the evolution of our culture. Through BRAF, Burners Without Borders, Greening the Burn, the Regional Network, and year-round gatherings like this we make better realities from art and dreams!
Official Website: http://www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/special_events/equinox2007.html
Added by disrupsean on February 28, 2007