Bogor, West Java

Achieve your sales goals by helping your clients achieve theirs.

A focus on product differentiation or a low price is no longer a guarantee for winning business. Competitors are springing up around the world; “unique” products and services have a short lifespan. The ease with which anybody can become an expert on anything, through the internet, is rapidly depleting the power of any salesperson. It used to be that being a subject-matter specialist was all that was required to succeed.

Across all industries, the ability to develop truly collaborative, trust-based partnerships with clients is becoming universally acknowledged as the most effective way to ensure survival and long-term success.

This seminar shows sellers how to treat each buyer as a unique person and how to approach each buyer differently. It also shows how to respond credibly and create impact "in the moment" through intelligent questioning and always retaining a focus on what is best for the buyer, as opposed to what's best for the seller.


* Establish your ability to develop a “partner” relationship with buyers without having to over-invest time and money in social activities
* Learn differentiation of your product or service through the way that the service is both offered and delivered – ie with a strong focus on the deeper and genuine needs of the organization and individual
* Learn the ability to build rapport with anyone, at any level of an organization.
* Make more efficient use of your time
* Help your clients solve their key issues and thus be in a better position to buy your offering
* Acquire greater confidence in starting conversations in a way that helps the buyer want to be in the conversation with you
* Develop an understanding of your own behaviour and of the buyer’s behaviour, and how it impacts the relationship
* Develop in a way that leads to an increase in new and retained business


* To identify potential clients based on the prospect’s preferred buying criteria - to ensure maximum benefit from limited sales time.
* How to qualify the type and quality of existing buyer relationships and learning how to improve them
* To identify different buyer types and the roles they play in the sales process - and how to influence them
* How to understand their own natural behaviour patterns using the Octagon™ behavioural assessment tool - and how this behaviour impacts buyers in the sales process
* To use a technique called “I We U” to establish rapport and build trust immediately, during telephone or face-to-face conversations
* How to adopt the SHAPE™ questioning approach to demonstrate broad interest in a buyer's situation, establish real needs and envision desired futures - without inflicting unnecessary pain!
* How to use Spicy Questions and Focus-5 to make the conversation more interesting - and memorable - for both buyer and seller
* To use a Value Sheet tool to focus on buyer needs and build trust.
* How to gain advantage in formal presentation situations
* To agree on next steps and gaining commitment through the use of CC Letters


Anyone with a vested interest in increasing sales and profits - from new staff to senior sales and marketing staff and business developers.

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 26, 2009

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