300 Derby Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

It's nearly Kyle Fiedler's birthday! We need to make sure he wakes up on his real birthday with a killer hang-over.

- Entire second-floor of the restaurant
- Updated menu, new cooks and wait-staff
- Our own dedicated bar & bartender
- Murphy's Yelp page

Created by two Salem web geeks, Marc Amos and Angelo Simeoni, the Build Guild is a monthly event where folks in the web industry (designers, coders, project managers, hobbyists, etc.) can get together to talk web, debate industry topics, share ideas, make professional connections, land gigs, and discuss the real reasons why mustaches need to make a comeback.

Follow the Build Guild on twitter, be sure to join the Flickr group, sign up for the Build Guild LinkedIn group, and if you're on Facebook, join the Build Guild Facebook group.

Official Website: http://www.buildguild.org/

Added by marcamos on August 25, 2009



Can this event ever take place on a Friday/Saturday night? The whole "I have to work tomorrow" thing is a drag.


TJ: Actually, having such an event is far harder on a weekend evening. The venue(s) are a lot less accommodating on those nights. On a weekday evening, they'll pretty much let you run around naked if you want (which will be the theme of October's Build Guild).


"Nudetober," as we're calling it.


Nudetober will only be a success if a) you convince some females to participate, and b) you convince Mr. Oliphant not to.


...or, even easier: c) Everybody drinks something that's 95%+ alcohol by volume.

Better yet, if a), b), and c) can happen all at once.

Or, a) and c), assuming b) doesn't play by the Nudetober rules.