5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd
Troy, Ohio 45373

“Tunes in the Trees”, ‘A Music Celebration’, the annual outdoor benefit concert for Brukner Nature Center returns to Troy on Saturday, May 8, 2010, 10am – 4pm. Admission is free, but donations are welcome. All proceeds benefit the animal rehabilitation unit.
This year’s concert features local and regional bands playing Bluegrass, Folk and Acoustic music. Some returning bands are: Rum River Blend, Ann & Phil Case, Sugar Grove, Sweet Betsy, Berachah Valley, Rock Island Plow Co., Storm’s Creek & North & South.
New to the lineup are: Nev’r Dull Bluegrass, Eric Loy, Horseshoe Blend, Faultline, Evan Lanier & the Bluegrass Express, Kentucky Slim and the Hillbilly Blues Cats, & Absolute Breakdown.
RAIN OR SHINE the show will go on! One stage will be in the outdoor amphitheater, the other stage will be in the Heidelberg auditorium. – Both stages will be moved indoors if inclement weather.
You can buy a chance to win a Limited Edition Martin Guitar – Mahogany D ’09! Raffle tickets available Now at Brukner Nature Center, Sound City Music and from Rum River Blend band Members. Drawing will be held at 4pm at the event.
Need not be present to win.
Bring your lawn chair and stay the day! Carpooling is encouraged.

For further information, call Linda Tatarian @ 937-440-9834 or check out the websites: http://www.tunesinthetrees.com/
Brukner Nature Center at; 937-698-6493
5995 W. Horseshoe Bend Road, Troy

Added by eowl64 on April 24, 2010

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