--- What is Bristol Knowledge Unconference? ---
Bristol Knowledge Unconference is an "Unconference" specifically about Knowledge. The first Bristol Knowledge Unconference was in September 2008, and involved about 50 people who talked about Knowledge from scientific and new-media perspectives.
The knowledge unconferences are "themed" around the general subject of Knowledge, which includes:
* The Semantic Web / Linked Data / Hyperdata / Data Web
* Web Science
* Topic Maps
* Information Architecture and Design
* Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Management
* Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Rule-Based Systems (etc)
* Knowledge/Information Visualisation and Graphical User Interfaces
* Knowledge-orientated Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
* and maybe even, Object Oriented Databases
--- What will Bristol Knowledge Unconference 2009 be about? ---
This will be our second Bristol Knowledge Unconference. Our first one was very fun, and we hope to multiply that amount of fun - particularly as we'll be running alongside other groups involved in UnCraftivism.
As we will be in the Arnolfini, it has been decided to label this years Knowledge Unconference: The Art of Knowledge
Knowledge is both art and science. Everything we do with knowledge can be both beautiful and methodical. We will discuss these things, and talks will be established in order to think about these ideas. Other more general talks/demos are very much welcomed, no matter how arty or scientific they are. The idea of an Unconference is completely free-flowing, it is developed with minimal structure/organisation and also attempts to maximise the equality of the attendees.
We will be running simultaneously with other events happening during the unCraftivism weekend, these include Dorkbot (electronic arts) and Robotics Labs.
Official Website: http://www.craftivism.net/wiki/UnCraftivism/Bristol_Knowledge_Unconference_2009
Added by danieljohnlewis on October 5, 2009
We've now got a PDF flyer/poster for the Bristol Knowledge Unconference (BKU2009) event. Feel free to print it off and put it up at your workplace / university / home / other. It's here: http://www.craftivism.net/w/images/f/f3/BKU2009_poster.pdf