49 Cheltenham Place
Brighton, England BN1 4AB

Have you never built a robot before and would like to build your first bot? Or maybe you've been building for a while and want to try a new technique or technology? Why not do so in a relaxed, friendly environment and the company of other robot builders?

This month's event will be a practical hardware hack night. Come along to the Skiff and build a robot in the company of other roboteers. You can build your bot by yourself or team up with your fellows into an awesome robot building force. There is a list of projects that you can choose from on the Robot Brighton site, or alternatively you can bring your own project along for the evening. There will be some tools including screwdrivers, snips, pliers and soldering irons available for use, but it is recommended that you bring your own if you have them. The suggestions on the site have parts and tools lists associated with them so that you can ensure that you bring along all the bits you need.

You can come along and build as much or as little as you like. The only suggestion is that you try and choose something achievable in 4 hours so that you can go home with a warm, fuzzy robot related feeling in your belly.

******New addition: Robot building with arduino tutorial*******

Steve Carpenter has volunteered to do a tutorial with a simple, RC arduino robot with simple sensors that can be expanded upon in future. If you are interested in doing this tutorial, please contact Steve via the site here, or email [email protected]. Parts will cost about £30. He will need to know in advance how many are interested in the tutorial to determine how much kit to buy.

Brighton Robotics is a local group for Robotics and A-life enthusiasts and hobbyists to get together and share ideas, skills and information. You can find us at http://robotbrighton.ning.com/ or follow @robotbrighton on twitter.com

Official Website: http://robotbrighton.ning.com/events/robot-hack-night

Added by Emily Toop on February 17, 2009


Emily Toop

You can find out more about the robot that Steve will be using for his tutorial here http://www.pinter75.com/robots/brbb.html