Montreal, Québec

Call out to all persons working in Solidarity with the Palestinian people in North America. To all students, professors, and solidarity activists; please join us in our Annual Conference, May 2-5, 2008 in Montreal to confront the 60th year of the Palestinian Nakbah.

SPHR this year will be 10 years old. We are calling on all student groups, professors and solidarity activists working for Palestinian Human Rights in North America to join us in Montreal for the weekend of May 2nd to 4th 2008, for more than just a debate. We are organizing for a genuine exchange between all members of our community so that we can better defend our common cause for justice in Palestine [We want to create a real living community were these individuals can defending the oppressed].

We are holding a series of roundtables, workshops, and direct action activities that run under three categories. Those categories are:

Zionist Apartheid and the One State Solution.
Indigenous Solidarity from Here to Palestine.
Tools for Justice: BDS, Direct Actions, and Movement Building.
We will also be holding the General Assembly for SPHR members, including the elections of the 2008/09 SPHR Board of Directors and Executive team.

Official Website:

Added by sabuid on April 12, 2008



For event details and Speaker line up follow the link...

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