1875 West Frye Road
Chandler, Arizona 85224

This weekly support group provides support to breastfeeding moms for their baby's first year of life. The group is led by nationally certified lactation counselors.

* Meet other breastfeeding moms.
* Find out how breastfeeding works for other moms.
* Hear how they overcame hurdles.
* Share 'new mom' challanges.
* Pick up new ideas.

Groups meet weekly at Chander Regional and Mercy Gilbert Medical Centers.

First-time registration or for additional information, please call the ResourceLink toll-free at 1.877.728.5414. Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Official Website: https://www.chandlerregional.org/Classes_And_Events/index.htm

Added by chandlerregional on December 21, 2009

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