Princess, #3, palace ground, ramanamahashree Rd.
Bangalore, Karnataka 560 080

With all those doomsday predictions about the world coming to an end, don’t you think we need one last excuse to bring the roof down? Breakbounce brings you, for the first time ever, the largest music festival of Bangalore’s DJs – A festival to bring together our DJs, promoters and production people to give their everything. This 21st -23rd December 2012, things will get wild at Pebble! In association with Budweiser and Magic Moments
The 3-day festival will host 70+ DJ's like Rohit Barker, Nikhil Chinappa, Ivan, Vachan and many more for an ultimate party.
For more information, visit:

Added by Riya Mathur on December 19, 2012

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