93-101 Aberdeen St Northbridge
Perth, Western Australia 6003

This workshop can save you hundreds of dollars! Start producing clean coffee flavours by simply understanding how to take apart your grinder and espresso machine and give them a thorough clean. If you’re sick of getting poor results from a dirty machine or relying on a technician to maintain your coffee equipment, this workshop is for you! This workshop will take you through adjusting the grinder settings and dosage mechanism, and once you’re finished, how to take it apart and clean it. We will teach you how to maintain your group heads and the finer points to espresso machine maintenance. Book now and reap the benefits of a clean machine. This workshop runs for 3hrs and costs $50.00 per person to attend. Booking is essential and limited places fill quickly- call us now on 93287455.

Official Website: http://www.europeanfoods.com.au/events.asp

Added by Braziliano Coffee on June 19, 2008