1801 W Saint Andrews Rd
Midland, Michigan 48640

A charming reflection of 19th century American city life, the Bradley Home offers inviting room displays inside a Gothic Cottage style home painted in the traditional tri-color design. Benjamin and May Bradley built their home in 1874, at the height of the Victorian era when Midland was a bustling frontier lumber town. Every visitor is welcomed to the home by a friendly guide and given a personal tour through each of the well-appointed room. The period wall coverings, fabrics, window designs and furnishings have all been selected and restored with careful attention to historic detail. Colorful, old fashioned gardens, including a heritage rose garden, surround the home. A Carriage House, with antique sleighs, carriages and a working blacksmith forge, is just a few step away.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 24, 2011