28 Westhampton Way
Richmond, Virginia 23173

In the Museum’s 2010 Elizabeth Roller Bottimore Lecture, “Showdowns in Virginia: The Debates over Slavery and Secession, 1832 and 1861,” Dr. William W. Freehling will explore two epochal showdowns in the Old Dominion: the 1832 General Assembly debate over abolishing slavery that occurred in the wake of Nat Turner’s 1831 slave insurrection and the 1861 Secession Convention’s debate over whether to remain in the Union or join the Confederacy.

His lecture coincides with the sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) of the pivotal presidential election of 1860 and the secession movement that followed.

Official Website: http://www.moc.org/site/Calendar/1343473240?view=Detail&id=103161

Added by Museum of the Confederacy on July 30, 2010