One Memorial Drive
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142

The Boston WordPress September 2009 Meetup will feature our first intermediate level presentation by mitcho (Michael 芳貴 Erlewine):

"In this presentation I will give a high level overview of how WordPress can be customized through custom plugins. I will walk through the creation of a very simple plugin in PHP, the default development language for WordPress. I will then present HookPress ( which is a plugin of mine which adds webhooks to WordPress, letting developers extend WordPress in languages other than PHP, such as ruby, python, perl, etc."

"This will be an intermediate level session designed for users already comfortable with publishing with and customizing a installation and have maybe even installed a few plugins. Moreover, I will assume some familiarity with programming, though not necessarily the PHP language."

- Introduction (5 min)
- Cover the idea of actions + filters (15 min)
- "Writing your first plugin" in PHP (25 min)
- Extending WordPress with webhooks via HookPress (15 min)

Official Website:

Added by mitcho on September 16, 2009