We will lift up the hood on Plone and demonstrate features that you didn't even know Plone had, such as:
* edit web content with an external editor (using ExternalEditor)
* drag-n-drop files/images into your Plone site with WebDAV
* implement business processes into your Plone CMS with content Rules
* create a web-based presentation/slideshow using just an HTML page
* provide full-text searching of MSWord, Excel, Powerpoint and PDF docs
* multilingual user interface (french, spanish, german and 50 other languages)
* tweak workflow to make different approval steps for content review
* one-click add events and persons using microformats hCal and hCard
* make image galleries with thumbnails
* make a wiki with easy-to-use WYWIWYG editing tools
* make a password protected area on your site only for a particular group of users
* create dynamic listings of content using collections
* versioning content and editing a draft while preserving the published version
Added by natea on July 29, 2008