219 Tremont St
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

The Boston Comedy Festival's Annual Comedy Contest is one of the largest comedy extravaganzas on the planet. Each year the contest brings together top comedians from all over the world to compete for the $10,000 prize and a chance to be seen by top talent scouts. This year's event is hosted by Boston comedy legend Jim McCue, who has appeared on Comedy Central, Comcast Comedy Spotlight and recently returned from entertaining our troops in Iraq. At the finals, the Boston Comedy Festival and Emerson College will present Comedy Lifetime Achievement Awards to Mort Sahl, a comedy trailblazer who paved the way for the likes of Lenny Bruce and Dick Gregory and wrote speeches for President John F. Kennedy; and Shelley Berman, the legendary comic celebrating 50 years of comedy in 2007 who has recurring roles on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and 'Boston Legal'. In addition, the Comedian of the Year Award will be presented to Lewis Black. Shelley Berman and Lewis Black will all be on hand to receive their awards.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 27, 2007