863 Washington Street
Newtonville, Massachusetts 02460

Dance with Boston Ballet School this summer, beginners welcome! Our Children’s Programs for ages 3-7 introduce students to pre-ballet and creative expression through Ballet Stories and Ballet Journeys. The Summer Dance Workshop provides excellent ballet training for students, in addition to exploring the wider world of dance. Technique and Pointe Class, for both boys and girls, is designed for students ages 12-16 to continue their dance training and stay in shape.

Location: Boston, Hanover, Marblehead, Newton
Dates: Boston: August 1-12; Hanover: July 2011, Marblehead: July 5-August 12; Newton: August 1-12
Website: www.bostonballet.org/school
Register: online at www.bostonballet.org/school by March 31 to save 10%
Phone: 617.456.6263

Added by Boston Ballet School on February 25, 2011