The Yahoo! Developer Network in SEA would like invite you to a hack event premiering our brand new API, BOSS.
BOSS - Build (your) Own Search Service is Yahoo's new API which allows you to build a search engine based on our systems. It is one of the many steps to make Yahoo! much more open for you to enhance and customize our offers for yourself.
During the BOSS hack event you will be able to meet the team, learn all about the API and have a first go at building your own search engine in a matter of minutes.
We'll be there for questions and even provide you with beer and snacks.
So if you always wanted to build a custom search engine and never thought you had it in you here's your chance to prove yourself wrong.
If you want to come, you'll need to RSVP at the event's Facebook page here:
Official Website:
Added by Sophie D-P on November 7, 2008