The Bootup Entrepreneurial Society is teaming up with Bootup Labs, in partnership with BCIC to host the first Bootup Demo Days event.
Demo Days is a pre-paid, 2-part, pitch event, for 10 early stage BC start-ups, who are ready to pitch their company to an audience of sophisticated pre-screened investors. Part 1 will be in Vancouver, and part 2 will be in Silicon Valley. In addition to the 5 portfolio companies from Bootup Labs, a BES advisory panel will review and select 5 additional digital media companies from BC.
Part 1 – Vancouver Demo Days – January 28th, 2010
We’re partnering with the Canadian Financing Forum to integrate our Demo Days event within the Financing Forum schedule. The Canadian Financing Forum will be taking place on January 28th, 2010, and has two presenting streams; Information Technology and Cleantech. Bootup will be running a dedicated track for early stage digital media companies in the afternoon from 1:30-4:30pm, followed by a joint reception with the Canadian Financing Forum. >>
Qualified investors who are only interested in attending the Bootup track, may register free of charge >>
Company Selection Process
Digital Media companies that are interested in this opportunity need to complete our online application form by December 23, 2009. To be eligible, companies must have already received an initial seed investment of at least $30K. All applications will be reviewed by our Selection Panel. >>
Official Website:
Added by bootup on December 15, 2009