1920 N. Rock Road
Wichita, Kansas 67206

The Barnes & Noble at Bradley Fair located at 1920 N. Rock Road will host a book signing of the Western novel Wagon Tracks on the Mesa by Richard C. Wright on Friday, January 27, from 6:30-9:00 pm. The author will be available to chat with customers and sign copies of his book. The book is available at Barnes & Noble at Bradley Fair in Wichita and at www.bn.com (Softcover, $14.99, Xulon Press, ISBN-9781606471081).
Wagon Tracks on the Mesa is a novel that tells the story of Robert McCloud, a 19-year-old living and working on his family’s Colorado ranch. The book follows Robert through a year of adventure, mystery and hard work, as well as a budding romance with the beautiful Betty Sue Boucher, the devout Christian daughter of a neighboring ranch owner. The year, with all its excitement and changes, will mark a major turning point in Robert’s life, as he starts to plan for his dream of homesteading a ranch of his own. Wagon Tracks on the Mesa is a novel that you will not be able to put down, and one that the whole family can share, both young and old alike.
Richard C. Wright was born during the Great Depression. He remembers the hard time on his family’s farm during the early 1930’s and 40’s, when horses were a vital part of farm work and cattle raising. He was riding horses even before he could remember, and his friend and playmate that he grew up with was a colt that was just a year older than he was. In later years, the author owned registered quarter horses, and is always more than happy to relate stories of his experiences of riding, driving and breaking horses.

Added by bradpurkey on January 18, 2012

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