215 Starling Avenue
Martinsville, Virginia 24112

Join Piedmont Arts for a book singing featuring Grayson Handy, Creative Director of Prudence Designs in New York, NY. Handy will be signing his new book, Flowers for the Home: Inspirations from the World Over by Prudence Designs.

Flowers for the Home presents over 100 simple and stylish floral arrangements for both everyday and special occasions that have been shaped by Handy’s worldwide travels. Showcased are floral designs inspired by cultures and traditions from such far-flung places as China, the tropical rain forest, the English countryside, and the American South. Handy discusses the basic design principles we can learn from in each locale, from color palettes to indigenous materials, and provides step-by-step instructions and tips for assembling many of these joyful displays. The book’s stunning photography will encourage the creation of delightful bouquets for family and friends.

Official Website: http://www.piedmontarts.org

Added by Piedmont Arts on March 5, 2010

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